Let me say from the beginning, this passage has pierced me to the heart. Therefore, I will attempt to convey my personal journey in this post. I hope it helps prod you to move deeper in your relationship with HIM. - Dan
John 8:31-47
Jesus therefore was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, From this opening statement, we are tied to the preceding paragraph, specifically verse 30 when many Jews believed Him as He spoke. Therefore this paragraph is one of two paragraphs containing the dialogue between Jesus and those who believed Him. Interesting, "believed Him," not "believed in Him." Literally, πρὸς τοὺς πεπιστευκότας αὐτῷ Ἰουδαίους means 'to the Jews believing Him.' Their 'belief' was perfect (past, with present results) and active tense. Their 'belief' was not any different than mine. They had Jesus speaking with them in flesh. Yet, I have the Spirit as a fulfillment of Jesus' finished work on the cross and the resurrection. "If you abide in My word, 'If" introduces a conditional clause. I may and I may not. 'Abide' communicates a wellspring of meaning consistent with my posture towards 'His word." It is the Greek word, μένω, meaning 'continue, lodge, wait for, remain, live, stay, stand fast, tarry, abide, expect, long for.' The tense of this verb is aorist meaning the my 'abiding' is punctiliar not present as in 'on-going,' and not past as in 'been there, done that.' My 'abiding', even though I don't know the results of my 'abiding' is to be 'continuing simple acts which are dependent or connected to each other. Each single act of 'abiding' stands on its own and will produce the result, no matter what it is. The term 'word' could relate to this written word we call the Bible, the very spoken word(s) of Jesus or the teaching(s) of Jesus. Of these three options the written word, the Bible, is the most objective. Therefore, does that, describe my Bible Study time, my devotional life, my time of listening to God, my thought patterns throughout the day? When someone asks me where I live, do I say, "In His word?" When someone asks me what I am waiting for, no matter the circumstance, am I ready to reply, "In His word?" then you are truly disciples of Mine; 'Then' gives me the result of me 'punctiliarly abiding.' If my Bible study, devotional time, listening time, is characterized by 'longing for,' then I am a true disciple of Jesus. If I do NOT, then I am NOT. I may believe, but I am NOT a true disciple (ἀληθῶς μαθηταί μου ἐστε). At this point, it is fair for me to ask myself, "Am I a true disciple of Christ?" Sometimes 'yes,' and sometimes 'no.' Sometimes 'waiting, longing, expecting,' and sometimes not. I 'believe' but I waffle in the 'punctiliar abiding' in the word of Jesus. How can I get the 'waffling' abiding developed into 'punctiliar abiding?' Honestly, there is no better motivation than knowing the results of my actions. What does 'punctiliar abiding' produce in me? What does NOT 'punctiliar abiding' result in me? Knowing the answers to these questions should motivate me to be a ἀληθῶς μαθηταί. and you shall know the truth, There it is, a result of me be a 'true disciple.' I shall 'know.' The term 'know' is from the Greek word, γινώσκω, meaning 'know, especially through first-hand experience.' It has prominent occurrences in the Bible, Luke 1:34 and Genesis 4:1 which highlight "sexual intimacy" as distinguished from 'mentally knowing.' Therefore, as a result of 'punctiliarly abiding' in His word, I will be a 'true disciple' and will 'first-hand experience the truth.' Not 'A truth',' but 'THE truth' (τὴν ἀλήθειαν). and the truth shall make you free." FREEDOM! THE truth will make me free. I cannot make myself free. But, I can make a decision to 'punctiliarly abide' in His word in order to be free through the 'first-hand knowing' of THE truth. My freedom is directly tied to two things: 1. My habitual abiding in His word, and, 2. 'first-hand' experience of the truth. I purpose to do the first and the second is a result that is all about me being free. Free from what? As one who believes, how am I in bondage? How am I a slave? How am I tied up or restricted? How am I stuck?
They answered Him, "We are Abraham's offspring, They, the believing Jews answered Him. Aw, the all to familiar response to someone's talk about freedom and my potential slavery. My first response, like theirs, is "I am a Christian. I am a Believer. I am a Child of the King. I am Redeemed. I am Forgiven. I am covered in the Blood." Look at all of my 'I am....s.' Not one 'He is.....' or mention of the word 'disciple' or 'true disciple' or 'waiting' or 'longing' or 'expecting' or ....... Do I defend my free/bondage state with my family relations? These Jews were resting on their forefather and his favor with God. I am reminded that God has no grandchildren. and have never yet been enslaved to anyone; The beauty of denial. These Jews, these believing Jews were defending their free/bondage state of being with their recollection of the past, how well they 'knew' their own history. No enslavement, really? What about the Egyptians, the Assyrians, the Babylonians, and currently the Romans? The beauty of denial. how is it that You say, 'You shall become free'?" They, like me, are interested in freedom. But, I so often, front load my attraction to resulting freedom instead of focusing on the first element of the process leading to freedom which is 'punctiliarly abiding'. I want to be free from the things I know and the things I do not yet know. But, I must not focus on being free. I must not bring my positions and relations to my defense. There is only one option. I must focus on 'punctiliarly abiding' in His word and then, through first-hand experience of the truth, the truth will make me free. I cannot make myself free. The truth will make me free. My ability to defend myself based on relationships and simply not able to recall any instances of bondage are lame responses to being a disciple of Jesus. In fact, having those behaviors and NOT 'punctiliarly abiding' in His word has its own outcome.
Jesus answered them, "Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is the slave of sin, and the slave does not remain in the house forever; Jesus responds to the believing Jews as He responds to me in that my enslavement is due not to physical bondage or relational misfortunes but in whole due to me committing sin. I am drawn to two words: 'commit' and 'sin.' For whatever 'commit' is I do not want to do it. And, whatever 'sin' is, I do not want to do it. For the 'committing of sin' leads to forever bondage. The Greek word ὁ ποιῶν (Present Active Participle from ποιέω) literally means to 'do, make, act, construct, manufacture, cause, create, bring into existence, compose, invent, describe, represent, bring about, or procure. Okay, with the broad range of meaning in ποιέω there is room for good and evil. For there is nothing wrong with 'doing, making, constructing, etc.' The only warning to myself is that I am not 'The Inventor, The Maker, The Constructor, The Creator, etc.' Hence, the next word. The Greek word for 'sin' is τὴν ἁμαρτίαν (from ἁμαρτία) meaning: missing the mark, fault, failure, sinful deed, error in judgment. Straightforward! W. E. Vine (Expository Dictionary of N.T. Words) states "It is the most comprehensive term for moral obliquity." Do not 'cause error in judgment.' Do not 'cause fault.' Do not 'construct sinful deed(s).' For in being the one who ποιῶν τὴν ἁμαρτίαν I am a slave (δοῦλός). I personally know that sin hurts God. For my disobedience to His perfect will for me is often worked out in my mistrusting of Him. In sinning I do not believe what He says is truly good and the best for me. I trade His love for the love of other people and things. I trade listening to Him for listening to myself and other people. I trade waiting on Him for succumbing to myself and the so-called expectations of others. In all this I trade freedom in Christ for bondage to sin. I do that which I do not want to do and I don't do that which I should be doing. Who can rescue me from this 'bondage to sin?' That was Paul's question in Romans. the son does remain forever. If therefore the Son shall make you free, you shall be free indeed. YEAH! Only the Son of God can rescue. For only one who is free can rescue. He makes me free! I cannot unbind myself. So much for 'self help books.' The Bible is the 'He helps book.' I must not turn to anything but the Son of God for freedom. Therefore, I know that you are Abraham's offspring; yet you seek to kill Me, because My word has no place in you. Apart from my dependence on the Son of God and His word, I will rely on my heritage of all sorts, legitimate or illegitimate. Any deterrence from the Son of God and His word will result in my total opposition to the Son of God and His word. He knows my sin. Therefore, why hide behind excuses. Oh, but how tempting it is to leave the God I love and resist His loving call to return. I speak the things which I have seen with My Father; therefore you also do the things which you heard from your father." The lines of legitimate heritage are clearly drawn. Jesus speaks of what He has seen. And I will do that which I heard. Who's your daddy? They answered and said to Him, "Abraham is our father." I must be careful of my familial proclamations especially when 'slavery,' 'bondage' and 'freedom are at stake. Jesus said to them, "If you are Abraham's children, do the deeds of Abraham. But as it is, you are seeking to kill Me, a man who has told you the truth, which I heard from God; this Abraham did not do. You are doing the deeds of your father." This is sometimes true of me as a believer as it was of them. I believe but I find myself retracting to illegitimate relations and behaviors. John,in the Revelation, wrote Jesus' words to a Church in which He wish they were either hot or cold. But, they were neither, so He will spew them out of His mouth. I am in treacherous territory when I believe but perform mutinous deeds. Sin, an absence of total trust, can be eradicated only by the Son of God. They said to Him, "We were not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God." I cannot honestly use this defense. However, when I sin or verbalize my tendency to defend my slavery on familial grounds, I must NOT defend myself. If I do I will find myself, as they did, digging a deeper hole. They claimed identity with the Father through birthright, but neglected the Son of God and His offer of freedom. Do I take my position in the Father lightly? May it never be. Jesus said to them, "If God were your Father, you would love Me; for I proceeded forth and have come from God, for I have not even come on My own initiative, but He sent Me. Why do you not understand what I am saying? It is because you cannot hear My word. Jesus responds with words that deeply warn me. He makes the connection between relationship and love. I claim to be of the Father, but do I love Jesus; not just believe Him or in Him? He is ...... Do I understand? If I do not love (not believe) then I cannot hear, much less understand, His word. It is impossible to 'punctiliarly abide' is His word if I cannot hear and understand. Hence the reason why. You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature; for he is a liar, and the father of lies. If I do not love the Son as a result of being of the Father, abiding in His word by being able to hear and understand, then my true father is the devil, even if I say otherwise. Is my life full of murder, falsehood and lies? Then, this is so. But because I speak the truth, you do not believe Me. Which one of you convicts Me of sin? If I speak truth, why do you not believe Me? He who is of God hears the words of God; for this reason you do not hear them, because you are not of God." Jesus speaks the truth and His words stand faithful for me to spend all of my days 'punctiliarly abiding.' I believe and there is nothing wrong with Jesus. He is without sin. Therefore, it is possible to believe or to believe in Jesus without being a 'true disciple' and also without being 'of God.' My love for Jesus, the Son of God will reveal if I am truly a disciple, believing Him and of God.
I must expectantly hope in His word. I must love Him. I must believe Him. I must trust Him. I must listen to Him. I must NOT break His heart.
James 2:19 "You believe that God is one. You do well; the demons also believe, and shudder.'
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